
A Project from the Heart

For women with cancer time spent in a chemo­therapy clinic is valuable life­time. Chemo­therapy is not only physically, but also mentally very stress­ful, and tugs at the strength of the patients. During this stress­ful time, every feeling of security, peace and confidence is a relief. With their clinical, purpose-­oriented appearance, most chemo treat­ment rooms or chemo out­patient clinics do not create an atmosphere of serenity. To change that, we founded the Initiative Rosi.


Together with Professor Dr. Jalid Sehouli, director of the Charité gynaeco­logical clinic, we are working on a pilot project for the chemo out­patient clinic at Charité Berlin. We want to re­design the clinic and also establish a content-­related concept so that patients can make their time worth living during this difficult phase. In addition we want to provide the women with diverse, inter­active and inter­cultural offerings, which should include e.g. language classes, guest lectures and themed dis­cussions, but also enter­tainment media or free cosmetic consultation. A warm and secure environ­ment should enable women to redirect their attention, to relax and to feel comfortable.


Who will be helped?

Approximately 3,000 patients per year come to Charité because of their cancer diagnosis. They all benefit from the changes in the chemo­therapy clinic’s rooms, since they spend some­times 7 to 8 hours daily for their treat­ment. Some only a few months, while others 5 to 6 years.


Why is the renovation important?

Currently, the chemotherapy clinic’s rooms are small, sterile and uncomfort­able. In such an environ­ment, the thoughts of the patients are only able to revolve around the illness. With the trans­formation and the new contextual concept, we want to give women the opportunity to use their time meaning­fully and to feel fully human again.


How do we realise the project?

In the beginning of April we started with the first round of our crowd­funding campaign for 6 weeks and found numerous supporters for the project. Thank you for believing in Rosi and for bringing life to the chemo­therapy out­patient clinic.