Meet MüllerValentini, specialists for brand design in the world of home, living, travel and lifestyle. Our agency combines strategy with design – analog and digital, clear and convincing.
Women in Arts and Media is an interdisciplinary network for gender equality in culture and media that spans across industries and disciplines. Issues concerning the future of culture and media in German-speaking countries form the center of the network's work ...
Year after year, thousands of women are diagnosed with cancer and undergo chemotherapy, spending hours, days, weeks, and months of their lives in the chemotherapy ambulance. We believe that this time deserves to be time well-lived and so, in collaboration with Charité Berlin, we are redesigning the ambulance and developing offers to transform this treatment time into life time ...
Craft beer is on everyone’s lips. This particular one, however, requires patience because it is not an ordinary commodity, but a micro-brewery product made from regional ingredients. Put another way, this delicious beer, hand-crafted with utmost devotion, is well worth a wait ...
Bad Kissingen is a place which seems to defy the laws of time. Wandering through the lobby, the magnificent architecture, and the parks of this town, one feels taken back to the Fin-de-siècle period with its art of idleness ...